The Physics of Homeopathy – Finally Explained!

This has to be seen to be believed. It’s the physics of homeopathy – as explained by a an optometrist who dabbles in homeopathy.  Watch it – but I take no responsibility for the brain cells that will rupture upon viewing.

We discovered a few days ago that even the light reflecting off Saturn can made into a remedy.  When groups lilke naturopaths claim that homeopathy is science, what does this say about their ability to provide reality-based health care? And why do  pharmacists continue to enable this antiquated practice by selling homeopathic products in pharmacies?

Go read the Science-Based Medicine post for a dissection of the “science” in this presentation.

5 thoughts on “The Physics of Homeopathy – Finally Explained!

  1. “And why do pharmacists continue to enable this antiquated practice by selling homeopathic products in pharmacies?” – why does the MOT sell personalized licence plates? Because they provide a steady revenue stream.

  2. Pingback: Homeopathy, Explained | Tosh.0 Blog

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